wow! wow! WOW! what a fortnight…

the first wow! monday 3rd november; a (kindle edition) short story by the talented deedee of @sherfordbear was published. it was book five of her ‘Twecckle’ series that dee has been writing, including some of us fluffies that she knows.

if you’re not sure what a twecckle is, here’s a picture of my new twecckle kanzi…

my new twecckle, kanzi with me, elliot & billee dinker

my new twecckle, kanzi with me, elliot & billee dinker

the first four have been about; jeremy the (in)famous chocolate lover @jezzerbear; snuffy of bearmani fame @snuffynorton; @toddyfur creator of #teddyembassy & #furrytails; & @squeakyryko the lovable ratty friend of huntyr.

BUT the fifth one includes ME! woohoo….oh, and aled. it is (should be) available worldwide for under £2. here’s the description from amazon:

“Twecckles live in trees, they take care of their tree and all nature that surrounds them, they don’t go to the supermarket or drive cars! They never use computers, fly planes and they don’t sail boats… unless you’re a Twecckle called Dorkin.
Dorkin lives beside a huge lake, and it has always been his dream to build a boat to sail across it to the other side of his world. Then one day his friend, Fuzzy Bear, came to visit and he got his wish.
But it wasn’t really the way he’d imagined, and it didn’t exactly go the way he expected either!”

thank you so much for including me in the twecckle series of books deedee – what an honour!

the second wow! is i had a visitor all the way from a-merry-ca in the shape of @edgardakitty, brother of @boriskitty . he started his trip in new zealand in 2012, then went to australia, then travelled over the pond to blighty where he visited jazzy & lexie before arriving on my doorstep…

me, edgar & mini elgar

me, edgar & mini elgar

he arrived wearing only his boxers & vest, but some of my bigger brothers have lent him some clothes – i’ll write a separate blog about edgar when we’ve been on some trips – it’s a little difficult because of his size!

the third WOW! is on monday 10th november the very talented @zackaryrabbit uploaded a video on youtube, where cg stunt doubles of the aforementioned toddy, snuffy’s little brother (cheeky) tweak, @thisbear and ME! are dancing!!

it’s a brilliant video, and if you know all the ‘stars’ you’ll know what a great job zacky did getting all of us stuffies looking like ourselves!

here’s zacky’s blog on how he made it…

wow! wow! WOW!

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